Clearfork Academy

When Texas-based detox center, Clearfork Academy, sought to realign their evolving brand and sales messaging, our team embarked on a discovery-led collaboration. By communicating their transformational care model, core values and unique outcomes through words, colors and entire narratives, we realized a more resonant identity.

Clearfork Academy
Rebranding & identity, sales enablement, design

Bringing a differentiated brand into focus

Unlike many detox programs, Clearfork Academy takes a whole person approach focused on sustainable freedom by revealing the potential within each struggling teen. However, their innovative care philosophy and positive outcomes were muted within stale, misaligned communications. Through intensive strategy sessions and a deep-dive into their organization’s soul, we crystallized authentic differentiators around community and empowerment, nature immersion and peer bonding under the umbrella of compassionate care.

A synergized and harmonic brand journey

We meticulously architected an immersive inbound brand journey that synchronized Clearfork Academy’s identity, intent and life-changing care philosophy into a cohesive brand guide - encompassing visual, verbal and content guidelines. This was accompanied with a newly branded collateral repository which persuasively nurtures Clearfork’s clients across an intentional symphony of digital to print touchpoints. All of which was then converted into training material for Clearfork’s sales and marketing teams The result is a singular brand voice that compels and converts through heartfelt sincere connection.